Here,, we are proud to offer affordable parcel delivery services from Luxembourg to Moldova, and vice versa from Moldova-Luxembourg. Whether you're sending a gift, sending a business package, or sending other goods, we're happy to help.
No matter where you ship, we can offer you a competitive price for your parcel service requirements. Whether you send to Moldova, Romania, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary or any other European country, we can ship most packages in all shapes and sizes.
When sending a package, it’s essential to make sure that your items are properly packaged to keep them safe while traveling. You should use sturdy boxes and fill any space in the box with packing materials.
When you send parcels through our company, you can be sure that you are in good hands. If you need further assistance or feel that your needs are unique, please contact our team.
Call us and we will discuss it. Sometimes, our clients understand by "special requirements" what is a standard procedure for us. For example, delivery to the address.
According to the legislation of most countries, it is prohibited to send money in any form in a parcel.
In order for us to deliver your parcel, we need to know the recipient's last name and first name, his exact address along with the zip code and phone number. If you do not want to make out a receipt at the address, you can only provide your name and phone number.